Our mission

The mission of the Day Center for Children with Disabilities TOGETHER is to prevent the abandonment of children with disabilities and to provide the framework in which to develop and reach their maximum potential.

The Day Center Together aims to reach these children and their families by becoming actively involved, providing sustainable assistance, a network of hope, responding to four deep needs – currently unfulfilled – that will help prevent the abandonment and institutionalization of babies and children:

  • Providing therapeutic services for the development of children with disabilities.
  • Increasing the ability to adapt parents with children with disabilities.
  • Increased awareness of the need and benefits of early intervention services among parents with children with disabilities.
  • Increased awareness of the need for early intervention services among medical staff and social workers, which are related to families where there is a baby or child with disabilities.

This pilot project, intended to be multiplied, is an Early Intervention Day Center, aimed at children with special needs aged 0 – 6 years.

In the fall of 2022, we signaled the need for a larger space, and the request to increase the capacity, namely 35 monthly beneficiaries, was approved by AJPIS Bucharest. So I started looking for a space suitable for the needs of children, several rooms, compartmentalization at ground level (ground floor), outdoor space for a playground. The requirements were many, our dreams big, but with God’s help we managed to find the space, and we started the year 2023 in a new house.
Part of the day center’s services are settled by DAS Timiș (Directorate of Social Assistance), but the beneficiaries must meet at least two aspects (one of the parents must be domiciled in Timișoara and/or have a disability classification certificate of the applicant).
Out of the desire to help as many children as possible, we also accept extra subsidized cases, for a fee, supported by donors, or fully borne by us as an Association.